February 13, 2023 Radio-CanadaRyan Beaton for Radio-Canada, L’autonomie gouvernementale autochtone, une réussite toujours à définir, Les répercussions de Together Today, Marie Villeneuve
February 09, 2023Perri Ravon, Mark Power, Audrey Mayrand and Darius Bossé argued this morning in front of the Supreme Court of Canada on behalf of the Appellants, Commisssion scolaire francophone des Territoires du Nord-Ouest, A B in the case CSF TNO, A B et al v Minister of Education, Culture and Employment of the Northwest Territories, et al (39915). They are accompanied by representatives of the CSF TNO, including its President, Jean de Dieu Tuyishime, its Superintendent, Yvonne Careen and its President for the region of Yellowknife, Simon Cloutier.
February 09, 2023 Supreme Court of CanadaPerri Ravon, Mark Power, Audrey Mayrand and Darius Bossé argued this morning in front of the Supreme Court of Canada on behalf of the Appellants, Commisssion scolaire francophone des Territoires du Nord-Ouest, A B in the case CSF TNO, A B et al v Minister of Education, Culture and Employment of the Northwest Territories, et al (39915).
February 09, 2023 Radio-CanadaMark Power for Radio-Canada Ohdio, Entrevue avec Mark Power : accès à l’école en français aux TNO, Grégory Bernard
February 09, 2023 Radio-CanadaPerri Ravon and Mark Power for Radio-Canada, La Cour suprême se penche sur l’accès aux écoles francophones et le bilinguisme des juges, Sarah Xenos
February 07, 2023 CBC NewsRyan Beaton for CBC News, Supreme Court of Canada hears appeal on Yukon First Nation’s residency requirement, Jackie Hong