October 28, 2021Audrey Mayrand appeared before the Federal Court of Appeal on behalf of the intervener, Quebec Community Groups Network, at the hearing of the appeals in matters : Commissaire aux langues officielles du Canada c Emploi et Développement social Canada et Commission de l’assurance-emploi du Canada (A-182-18) and Fédération des francophones de Colombie-Britannique c Emploi et Développement social Canada et al (A-186-18)
October 28, 2021Giacomo Zucchi and Maxime Chambers-Dumont appeared before the Federal Court of Appeal in the files Fédération des francophones de Colombie-Britannique c Emploi et Développement social Canada et al. (A-186-18) and Commissaire aux langues officielles du Canada c Emploi et Développement social Canada et Commission de l’assurance-emploi du Canada (A-182-18)
October 18, 2021 CBC NewsPerri Ravon before the Court of Appeal of Quebec, English Montreal School Board asks court to speed up exemption from religious symbols law, CBC News, Steve Rukavina
August 25, 2021Joshua Sealy Harrington received the University of Ottawa Common Law “Part-time Professor Excellence in Teaching Award” for the “Race, Racism and the Law” course he taught last summer
July 30, 2021 CBC ListenRyan Beaton for CBC Listen, Court ruling on residency requirement not ‘complete win’, Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation chief says, Yukon Morning with Elyn Jones
July 09, 2021 Wind SpeakerComments from Madelaine Mackenzie, New chief election delayed as Acho Dene Koe council awaits reasons behind ruling, Shari Narine