December 08, 2023 Radio-CanadaPerri Ravon for Radio-Canada, T.N.-O. : L’admission d’enfants de non-ayants droit dans les écoles francophones, Madeleine Blais-Morin
November 28, 2023 Radio-CanadaRyan Beaton for Radio-Canada, Les Nations du traité 8 lancent un recours collectif, Geneviève Potvin
October 26, 2023 Radio CanadaWe support the nomination of Justice Moreau, an experienced francophone jurist who will be a great asset to the Supreme Court of Canada. La prochaine juge à la Cour suprême sera la Franco-Albertaine Mary Moreau, Emmanuel Prince-Thauvette for Radio-Canada
October 20, 2023Power Law was delighted to present this year’s Award of Excellence for news article of the year posthumously to Jacinthe Tremblay, for her article entitled « Généreux les 10 millions de dollars de John Risley? ». Idriss Chafroud, General Manager of Le Gaboteur, received the award on her behalf.
October 04, 2023 CBCMark Power quoted by CBC, Senior RCMP officers in bilingual positions can’t speak French, aren’t learning, with files from Radio-Canada’s Daniel Leblanc
October 03, 2023 Radio CanadaMark Power for Radio-Canada, GRC : de hauts gradés unilingues à des postes bilinguesMark Power for Radio-Canada, Daniel Leblanc