François Larocque
Available in: English Français
François’ practice and academic research interests include language rights, torts, human rights law, and international law (public and private).
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François is a full professor in the Common Law Section (French Program) of the University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Law. He also holds the Canadian Francophonie Research Chair in Language Rights.

He has twice served as Vice-Dean of the French Common Law program, and Interim Dean of the Faculty of Law.

François joined Power Law in 2014 as Counsel to the firm.

His practice and academic research focus on civil responsibility for grave international human rights violations on and minority French-language rights in Canada.

At the beginning of his legal career, François served as law clerk to former Justice Louise Arbour of the Supreme Court of Canada and to former Justices Louise Charron, Jean-Marc Labrosse, Stephen Goudge and Stephen Borin at the Court of Appeal for Ontario.

François practices in English and French.

Law Societies

  • Ontario


  • Ph.D. (Cambridge University – 2006)
  • LL.B. (University of Ottawa – 2000)
  • B.A. (University of Ottawa – 1997)
  • “Section 55 and the Obligation to Enact an Officially Bilingual Constitution” (2024) 28:1 Review of Constitutional Studies 1 (with Darius Bossé)

  • Standing Senate Committee on Official Languages (OLLO), “Study matters relating to official languages, as stated in rule 12-7 Study on the official languages reform project, May 31, 2021

  • Standing Committee on Official Languages – House of Commons (LANG),Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Government’s Ability to Deliver Information in Both Official Languages, November 26, 2020

  • Standing Committee on Official Languages – House of Commons (LANG),Modernization of the Official Languages Act”, February 28, 2019

  • Subcommittee on International Human Rights of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development (SDIR), “Implications of the State Immunity Act, March 10, 2011

  • Subcommittee on International Human Rights of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development (SDIR), “Human Rights in Iran”, April 30, 2009

  • La responsabilité délictuelle en common law, 2nd ed, (Cowansville: Yvon Blais) (with Louise Bélanger-Hardy and Denis Boivin) [forthcoming]


  • Doing Peace the Rights Way: International Law and Human Rights in Conflict, Essays in Honour of Louise Arbour (Brussels: Intersentia, forthcoming) (with Fannie Lafontaine)

  • La constitution bilingue du Canada : un projet inachevé (Laval, PUL, 2017) (withL. Cardinal, dir.)

  • Civil Actions for Uncivilized Acts: The Adjudicative Jurisdiction of Common Law Courts in Transnational Human Rights Proceedings (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2010)

  • “Of Tongues and Teeth: The Enforcement Powers of Canada’s Language Commissioners” in H. Ammon and E. James (dir.), Language Ombudsmen and Minority Protection (Cowansville, Éditions Yvon Blais, 2019)

  • “L’obligation de faire adopter la version française des textes constitutionnels canadiens” in F. Larocque, L. Cardinal (dir.), La constitution bilingue du Canada (Laval, PUL, 2017) (with D. Bossé)

  • “Torture, Jurisdiction and Immunity: Theories and Practices in Search of One Another” in A. Orekhelashvili, ed., Research Handbook on the Theory and History of International Law (Northampton (Mass): Edward Elgar Publishing) [forthcoming]



  • “Archéologie d’un pacte constitutionnel oublié : la proclamation royale de 1869” in Sophie Bouffard and Peter Dorrington, eds, Le statut du français dans l’ouest canadien (Cowansville: Yvon Blais, 2014) (with Mark Power and Michel Doucet)


  • “Les recours en matière de droits linguistiques” in Michel Bastarache, et al, eds., Les droits linguistiques au Canada, 3rd ed. (Cowansville: Yvon Blais, 2014)


  • “Civil Actions and Uncivilized Acts: Transnational Human Rights Litigation” in The Common Law Tradition (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2010)


  • “Le délit transnational de la torture” in Sanda Rogers, Rakhi Ruparelia, Louise Bélanger-Hardy, eds., Critical Torts (Toronto: LexisNexis Canada Inc, 2009) (also published in 44 SCLR (2nd) 263)

  • “Civil Remedies for Terrorism” in Craig Forcese and Nicole LaViolette, eds, The Human Rights of Anti-Terrorism (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2008)

  • “Kazemi ou l’inhumaine immunité de l’État tortionnaire en droit canadien”, (2016), 53 Annuaire Canadien de droit international (with C. Bossé)

  • “Jusqu’à ce que la Reine en décide autrement…”, (2016), 41 Revue du Nouvel-Ontario (withM. Bourgeois)

  • “Spleen et idéal : les immunités juridictionnelles en droit canadien” (2016) 57:3 Cahiers de droit

  • “La Loi sur les services en français à 25 ans : constats et propositions” (2014) 39 Revue du Nouvel-Ontario 11 (with Mark Power and Albert Nolette)


  • “Qui se marie prend pays : le divorce exogame, la garde des enfants et le droit constitutionnel à l’instruction dans la langue de la minorité” (2014) 1 RD Linguistique 3 (with Mark Power)


  • “Let [Language] Right[s] Prevail : Le statut du français au Barreau du Haut-Canada” (2013) 44:1 RD Ottawa 103 (with Mark Power)


  • “Taxonomie juridique des institutions postsecondaires offrant des programmes et des services en français à l’extérieur du Québec” (2012) 36:1 Manitoba LJ 67 (with Mark Power and Albert Nolette)


  • “Constitutional Litigation, the Adversarial System and some of its Adverse Effects” (2012) 17:2 Rev Const Stud 1 (with Mark Power and Darius Bossé)


  • “L’élargissement du concept d’obligation fiduciaire au profit des communautés de langue française en situation minoritaire dans leurs relations avec l’État” (2012) 63 UNBLJ 368 (with Mark Power and Maxine Vincelette)


  • “Le statut du français à l’Université d’Ottawa et la Loi sur les services en français de l’Ontario” (2010) 2 RCLF 55 (with Mark Power, Matthew Létourneau and Joseph Morin)


  • “La Loi sur l’immunité des États canadienne et la torture” (2010) 55 RD McGill 81


  • “La proclamation royale du 6 décembre 1869” (2010) 33:2 Manitoba LJ 298-326


  • “The Tort of Torture” (2009) 17:3 Tort Law Review 158


  • “Recent Developments in Transnational Human Rights Litigation: A Postscript to Torture as Tort” (2008) 46:3 Osgoode Hall LJ 605


  • “L’incorporation de la coutume internationale en common law canadienne” (2007) 45 Annuaire canadien de droit international 173 (with Martin Kreuser)


  • Bouzari v Iran: Testing the Limits of State Immunity in Canadian Courts” (2003) 41 Canadian Yearbook of International Law 343


  • “La dissuasion et le no-fault” (2001) 9 Health LJ 171

  • “Eunomia et le droit selon Allott” (2001) 31:2 RGD 255

  • Recension de Immunities in the Age of Global Constitutionalism by Anne Peter, Evelyne Lagrange and Stefan Oeter (2016) 53 Annuaire canadien de droit international

  • The Law of State Immunity and Terrorism by James Cooper-Hill” (2007) 45 Canadian Yearbook of International Law 611


  • Peremptory Norms in International Law by Alexander Orakhelashvili” (2007) 38:2 Ottawa LR 219


  • The Globalized Rule of Law by O.E. Fitzgerald, ed.” (2006) 44 Canadian Yearbook of International Law 759


  • Using international law in National Courts by Shaheed Fatima” (2006) 44 Canadian Yearbook of International Law 739”


  • Corporations and Transnational Human Rights Litigation by Sarah Joseph” (2005) 76 British Yearbook of International Law 543


  • Using International Law in Canadian Courts by Gibran van Ert” (2003) 35:1 Ottawa LR 146 (with Mark Power)


  • Torture as Tort: Comparative Perspectives on the Development of Transnational Human Rights Litigation by Craig Scott (ed.)” (2003) 41:1 Osgoode Hall LJ 147 (with Mark Power)

  • The Law of State Immunity by Hazel Fox” (2002) 62:2 Cambridge LJ 504

  • “Ce qui mérite d’être fait mérite d’être bien fait”, Le Devoir, November, 22 2022 (with Mark Power and Darius Bossé)

  • “L’insoutenable légèreté de la partie VII de la Loi sur les langues officielles : L’affaire Fédération des francophones de la Colombie-Britannique c Canada (Ministère de l’Emploi et du Développement social)”, Juriblogue, February 15, 2019

  • “Meet the New Commissioner, Not the Same as the Old Commissioner”, Ottawa Citizen, December 24, 2018

  • “Des droits, des responsabilités, des idées…une réponse”, L’Express, December 20, 2018

  • “Le commissaire postiche et les services en français à la Ville d’Ottawa”, Options politiques, December 20, 2018 (with L. Cardinal and F. Baril)

  • “L’ersatz commissaire aux services en français et la Ville d’Ottawa” Le Droit, December 12, 2018 (with L. Cardinal and F. Baril)

  • “On French Services, Ontario Can Learn From Ireland’s Mistakes”, Ottawa Citizen, December 3, 2018

  • “De Montréal à la Suisse en passant par Toronto et Vancouver, le blanchiment des capitaux par l’immobilier, même fléau mêmes conséquences”, Juriblogue, July 18, 2018 (with S. Balambula Mulabi)

  • “La nouvelle Chaire de recherche de la francophonie canadienne en droits et enjeux linguistiques de l’Université d’Ottawa”, Le blogue du commissaire : Commissariat aux services en français de l’Ontario, July 16, 2018

  • “« De la complexité de la poursuite pénale des autorités étrangères auteures de blanchiment d’argent au Canada : une analyse comparée de l’approche pénale du crime de blanchiment”, Juriblogue, June 8, 2018 (with S.-F. Gayala Ngangu)

  • “Les recours civils ouverts en matière de blanchiment d’argent au Canada”, Juriblogue, May 25, 2018 (with L.S. Koagne)

  • “Réparation civile pour les victimes du blanchiment d’argent : le cas de la France”, Juriblogue, April 20, 2018 (with M. Sahou)

  • “La lutte contre le blanchiment d’argent par l’immobilier au Royaume-Uni, aux États-Unis et en Australie”, Juriblogue, April 16, 2018 (with A. Weikinnis)

  • “La lutte transnationale contre le blanchiment d’argent”, Juriblogue, March 26, 2018 (with B. Mujinya)

  • “Le projet inachevé de la Constitution bilingue du Canada”, Options politiques,February 1, 2018 (with L. Cardinal)

  • “L’Obligation de faire adopter la version française des textes constitutionnels canadiens” in Linda Cardinal et François Larocque, ed, La Constitution bilingue du Canada : un projet inachevé (Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval, 2017) 87 (with Darius Bossé)

  • “Cornwall ou comment faire face au mur” Le Droit (10 March 2012) at 19 (with Linda Cardinal, Mark Power et al)


  • “Advance Cost Awards and Access to Justice” 30:46 The Lawyer’s Weekly (15 April 2011) at 10, 14 (with Mark Power)


  • “Affaire Caron : La Cour d’appel de l’Alberta entendra la question du bilinguisme législatif”, AJEFO : L’expression (November-December 2010) at 4 (with Mark Power)


  • “Les provisions pour frais : L’affaire R c Caron”, AJEFO : L’expression (September-October 2010) at 3 (with Mark Power)


  • “Alien Tort Statute Survives the Supreme Court” (2004) 63 Cambridge LJ 532


  • “The Choice of Torture” 23:1 The Lawyer’s Weekly (2 May 2003) at 4


  • “State Immunity Drumpfs Rights to Fair Trial and Freedom from Torture” (2003) 6:3 Constitutional, Civil Liberties and Human Rights Law Section of the Ontario Bar Association 6


  • “No Right to Assisted Suicide Under European Human Rights Convention” (2003) 6:3 Constitutional, Civil Liberties and Human Rights Law Section of the Ontario Bar Association 15


  • “Old Battles, New Arguments: Recent Language Rights Cases in Ontario and Quebec” (2002) 5:2 Constitutional, Civil Liberties and Human Rights Law Section of the Ontario Bar Association 27


  • “De la possibilité d’un recours civil pour le terrorisme”, Canadian Lawyers for International Human Rights – Bulletin (2001-2002) at 2, 19 (with Mark Power)


  • “Bill C-36 Lacks Civil Remedies” 21:30 The Lawyer’s Weekly (7 December 2001) at 5 (with Mark Power)


  • “Canadian Administrative Law Cases at the Supreme Court of Canada” (2001) 9:3 Constitutional, Civil Liberties and Human Rights Law Section of the Ontario Bar Association (with Marya Duckworth)


  • Bush v Gore: Is the Bloom off the Robes?” (2001) 4:2 Constitutional, Civil Liberties and Human Rights Law Section of the Ontario Bar Association 1

  • “Anti-Gang Legislation: Is the Disease Worse than the Cure?” (2001) 4:1 Constitutional, Civil Liberties and Human Rights Law Section of the Ontario Bar Association 3

  • Mazraani v Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc., 2018 SCC 50 (constitutional law, use of official languages in federal court, remedy for language rights violations)

  • Morasse v Nadeau-Dubois, 2016 SCC 44 (contempt of court for media statements, freedom of expression)


  • Bowden Institution v Khadr, 2015 SCC 26 (criminal law, sentencing, international transfer of offenders)


  • Kazemi Estate v Islamic Republic of Iran, 2014 SCC 62 (international public law, state immunity, torture)


  • Steen v Islamic Republic of Iran, 2013 ONCA 30 (international public law, state immunity, terrorism)


  • Perron v Perron, 2012 ONCA 811 (custody case considering the language of education for child from exogamous parents)


  • Club Resorts Ltd v Van Breda, 2012 SCC 17 (international private law)


  • Islamic Republic of Iran v Hashemi, 2012 QCCA 1449 (international public law, state immunity, torture)


  • R v Caron, 2011 SCC 5 (jurisdiction, costs)


  • Kazemi (Estate of) v Islamic Republic of Iran, 2011 QCCA 876 (international public law, state immunity)


  • Kazemi (Estate of) v Islamic Republic of Iran, 2011 QCCS 196 (international public law, state immunity)


  • Landry v Law Society of Upper Canada, 2011 ONSC 2947 (language rights, professional responsibility)


  • Islamic Republic of Iran v Hashemi, 2011 QCCA 1386 (motion, international public law, state immunity, torture)


  • Perron v Perron, 2011 ONCA 776 (custody case considering the language of education for child from exogamous parents, motion for security for costs and for an adjournment) 


  • Steen v Islamic Republic of Iran, 2011 ONSC 6464 (international public law, state immunity, terrorism)

  • Landry v Law Society of Upper Canada, 2010 CSON 3501 (motion, professional responsibility)

  • Bouzari v Islamic Republic of Iran (2004), 71 RJO 3e 675 (ONCA) (international public law, state immunity, torture)

  • As a recipient of the Commonwealth, Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Ricard and Prince of Wales Foundation scholarships, François completed his doctoral research at the University of Cambridge (Trinity College) under the joint direction of Professors James Crawford and Philip Allott. He completed his doctoral thesis on the jurisdiction of domestic courts in relation to human rights violations in international law.

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